According to section 2 of the Consolidated Act on preventive measures against money laundering and financing of terrorism, it is defined as conversion, transfer, acquisition, possession or use of capital assets or non-disclosure or disclosure of their nature, origin, localization, movement and ownership and attempts here at or contribution hereto, with the knowledge or assumption that the capital assets derive from a violation of the criminal code.
Djurslands Bank A/S
A brief introduction
Djurslands Bank was formed in 1965 through a merger of three small banks in the area with roots going right back to 1906.
The business concept of Djurslands Bank is to be a full service bank for private customers, small and medium-sized enterprises as well as public institutions in the market area of the bank - which is the peninsula Djursland and the area around Aarhus.
With our 20.800 shareholders the bank is primarily owned by the customers of the bank. Djurslands Bank have 15 branches in the Aarhus area and on Djursland.
The Danish Financial Supervisory
Sigurd Simmelsgaard
Adm. direktør, CEO
8630 3148
[email protected]
Torvet 5, 8500 Grenaa
Jesper Vernegaard
8630 3080
[email protected]
Torvet 5, 8500 Grenaa
Measures Against Money Laundering and financing of Terrorism
Djurslands Bank is a commercial bank operating in Denmark under the supervision of the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (the FSA), a government agency under the Danish Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs. The FSA supervises that all Danish banks comply with current legislation. Additional information about the FSA is available at the website
Danish banks are subject to Consolidated Act No. 353 of 20 April 2012 on preventive measures against money laundering and financing of terrorism. The Act is based on the EU Directive on prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering.
Denmark is a member of FATF - the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering - and complies with FATF's 40 recommendations. More information about Denmark's FATF membership is available at
AML / Due Diligence Documents
Bank certificate
Djurslands Bank A/S - W-8BEN-E
Registration from The Danish Business Authority
2024 AML Wolfsberg
Djurslands Bank requires identification, from all customers with whom a business relationship is established, of the consolidated act on preventive measures against money laundering and financing of terrorism.
To the extent that transactions involve non-regular customers, Djurslands Bank requires identification as regards any transaction involving amounts equal to EUR 1,000/DKK 7,400 or above.
The consolidated act on preventive measures against money laundering and financing of terrorism stipulates, that payment transfers that are effected without any personal contact between the sender and the intermediary or by an institution which is not the account-holding institution of the sender, must be accompanied by information about the sender in accordance with EU Regulation No. 1781/2006.
Identification is required whenever there is a suspicion that the transaction is associated with money laundering or financing of terrorism.
Reporting of suspicion of money laundering:
If Djurslands Bank gets a suspicion that a transaction is associated with money laundering, Djurslands Bank will make detailed inquiries and evaluate, whether to report the transaction. If the suspicion about illegalities continues, as a rule the transaction or act will be reported to the Public Prosecutor for Serious Economic Crime.
Suspicion of financing of terrorism:
If there is suspicion that a transaction is associated with the financing of terrorism, Djurslands Bank will make detailed inquiries. If the suspicion cannot be refuted, the transaction will be suspended and reporting will be effected to the Public Prosecutor for Serious Economic Crime.
Djurslands Bank's internal procedures ensure that all employees comply with the above statutory provisions. Moreover Djurslands Bank's training program ensures that every second year all employees review the money laundering and terrorism financing rules regularly.
By the Danish Bankers' Association, the Public Prosecutor for Serious Economic Crime, publishes and distributes updated alert lists to all Danish banks. These alert lists contain information about names of individuals who are suspected in connection with acts of terrorism.
Djurslands Bank compares these lists with the Bank's customer databases and effects reporting in the cases in which we find suspicion.
Money transfers are scanned against a number of international anti-terror lists, among those the EU Terror List and OFAC Blocked Countries.
Branches and subsidiaries
Djurslands Bank has 14 branches in Denmark and has no representations abroad.
Your contact
For further information, please contact:
Economic Department
+45 86 30 30 55
[email protected]
Jonas Krogh Balslev
Chief Accountant
+45 86 30 31 50
[email protected]
Foreign department
Contact details on foreign department.
Morten Svenningsen
Vice President Financial Markets
8630 3305
[email protected]
Djurslands Bank A/S
Foreign Department
Torvet 5,
DK 8500 Grenaa
Currency | Bank | City | SWIFT |
EUR | KBC | Brussels | KREDBEBB |
Sydbank | Aabenraa | SYBKDK22 | |
PLN | Sydbank | Aabenraa | SYBKDK22 |
USD | Sydbank | Aabenraa | SYBKDK22 |
GBP | Sydbank | Aabenraa | SYBKDK22 |
SEK | Nordea Bank Sweden | Stockholm | NDEASESS |
NOK | Nordea Bank Norway | Oslo | NDEANOKK |
CHF | Bank CIC | Basel | CIALCHBB |
JPY | Sydbank | Aabenraa | SYBKDK22 |
THB | Sydbank | Aabenraa | SYBKDK22 |
AUD | Sydbank | Aabenraa | SYBKDK22 |
NZD | Sydbank | Aabenraa | SYBKDK22 |
CAD | Sydbank | Aabenraa | SYBKDK22 |
ZAR | Sydbank | Aabenraa | SYBKDK22 |
HKD | Sydbank | Aabenraa | SYBKDK22 |
TRY | Sydbank | Aabenraa | SYBKDK22 |